Delivery Terms plinko and Conditions
  • Service plinko Availability
    CafeCourier provides delivery services to local areas within a set delivery radius of partnered cafes and restaurants. The service area is determined based on your location and is subject to change based on operational needs and demand.
  • Delivery plinko Fees
    Delivery fees are based on the selected plan and the distance between the restaurant and the customer. Additional fees may apply for long-distance deliveries, bulk orders, or special handling requests. All fees will be clearly outlined in your delivery plan agreement.
  • Order plinko Minimums
    Some plans may have a minimum order requirement to qualify for delivery. If an order falls below the minimum, an additional fee may be applied. These details will be specified in the terms of your selected delivery plan.
  • Delivery plinko Times
    We strive to deliver all orders within the estimated delivery times provided during order placement. However, delivery times may vary based on traffic, weather conditions, and other external factors. Customers will be notified of any significant delays.
  • Order Changes plinko and Cancellations
    Customers can make changes or cancel their order within a set time frame, depending on the plan and restaurant policy. Any changes or cancellations after food preparation or dispatch may incur additional charges.
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